
Ross King Audio Books

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by Ross King
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On August 19, 1418, a competition concerning Florence's magnificent new cathedral, Santa Maria del Fiore was announced: "Whoever desires to make any model or design for the vaulting of the main Dome.

by Ross King
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Part of the acclaimed Eminent Lives series, Machiavelli is a superb portrait of the brilliant and revolutionary political philosopher - history's most famous theorist of "warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed" - and the age he embodied.

by Ross King
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We have all seen, whether live, in photographs or on postcards, some of Claude Monet's legendary water lily paintings.

by Ross King
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In 1508, despite strong advice to the contrary, the powerful Pope Julius II commissioned Michelangelo...

by Ross King
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The Renaissance in Florence conjures images of beautiful frescoes and elegant buildings - the dazzling handiwork of the city's skilled artists and architects.

by Ross King
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Milan, 1496 and 44-year-old Leonardo da Vinci is in a state of professional uncertainty and financial difficulty....

by Ross King
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Unabridged Edition

While the Civil War raged in America, another very different revolution was beginning to take shape across the Atlantic, in the studios of Paris: The artists who would make Impressionism the most popular art form in history were showing their first paintings...

by Ross King
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Abridged Edition

While the Civil War raged in America, another very different revolution was beginning to take shape across the Atlantic, in the studios of Paris: The artists who would make Impressionism the most popular art form in history were showing their first paintings...

1 - 8 of 8 Titles