
Steve Allen Audio & Video

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by Steve Allen
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The death penalty was under heavy attack in the courts and in public forums, and polls indicated that it was the issue that most sharply divided liberals from conservatives.

by Steve Allen
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Things start badly for Steve Allen when Sir Bertrand Russell - the 20th-century philosopher - objects...

by Steve Allen
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Ulysses S. Grant represented everything that Marie Antoinette disdained: he was for the people...

by Steve Allen
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Comedian, television host and musician Steve Allen performs his original songs and compositions for Fresh Air.

by Steve Allen
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Put Cleopatra, Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Paine, and Father Thomas Aquinas in a room together and...

by Steve Allen
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England, Ireland, and Russia go at it in the persons of Oliver Cromwell, Daniel O'Connell, and Catherine...

by Steve Allen
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Torture. As disturbing as the subject is, it's even more disturbing to hear someone advocate it...

by Steve Allen
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When Sir Francis Bacon, Susan B. Anthony, Emiliano Zapata, and Socrates discuss civil disobedience...

by Steve Allen
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Steve Allen's at it again, pulling characters from the past to provoke confrontations of historic...

by Steve Allen
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The award-winning PBS TV network series “Meeting of Minds” has received a more enthusiastic and complimentary reaction than any program ever carried on American educational television.

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