
Storm Jameson Audio Books

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by Storm Jameson
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When a country is invaded and occupied for a long time, the rents that appear in human relationships are not all, or always, due to the brutality of the invader - his kindness can be equally dangerous and disturbing.

by Storm Jameson
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Much of the action of The Black Laurel takes place in Berlin, 1945. But it is not a novel about Germany. It concerns a group of English people....

by Storm Jameson
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In 1960, Storm Jameson decided to write her memoirs. The result was Journey from the North, one of the great literary autobiographies of the century....

by Storm Jameson
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June 1890, Portugal. A child was born in somewhat curious circumstances. Until the age of sixteen, his life was a safe and happy one. At that point it changed suddenly, almost brutally.

by Storm Jameson
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This outstanding audio collection is made up of two short stories, A Day Off and The Single Heart, and three long stories which show the variety of the author's great writing skills that make her one of the most distinguished of women writers.

by Storm Jameson
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In The Journal of Mary Hervey Russell, Storm Jameson has chosen a form which enables her to use a rich supply both of public occurrences and personal knowledge and experience for the exercise of that imaginative observation which is characteristic of her best work.

by Storm Jameson
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Our story begins with the birth of Mary Hanskye in 1841 as the Industrial Revolution is changing the face of pastoral England....

by Storm Jameson
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She was too restless to work or write. She thought of Richard, of her unmanageable desires and her un-abatable ambitions...

by Storm Jameson
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The second volume in Storm Jameson s autobiography starts on the eve of the Second World War, and encompasses Jameson's involvement as the first female president of PEN....

by Storm Jameson
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Storm Jameson's fine audiobook tells the story of two men, their beginnings, ambitions, wives, failures, successes....

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