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by Tim Green
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When Tory White's mom gets a job with the Atlanta Falcons, Tory demonstrates his uncanny ability to call football plays before they happen.
by Tim Green
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When Troy White proved his remarkable "football genius" to the Atlanta Falcons, they brought him on board as a team consultant. Now, thanks to Troy's ability to predict winning plays, the Falcons are pulling in victories.
by Tim Green
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Josh feels like he's starting to make it big! Jaden, the school reporter, says he's going to take the baseball team to number one. Then his dad pulls him off the field and signs him up with Coach Rocky Valentine's youth championship team, the Titans.
by Tim Green
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Even the most avid football fans don't know what goes on behind the locker room doors. Now, 8-year NFL...
by Tim Green
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Sportscaster and former National Football League defensive end Tim Green reveals what it's really like to play in the NFL in The Dark Side of the Game.
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