
Audiobooks Narrated by Anthony Haden Salerno

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lf a man cannot stand freedom, he will probably turn fascist. This, in the fewest possible words, is the essential argument in this modem classic, Escape from Freedom.

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In 1980, the iconoclastic economist Julian Simon challenged celebrity biologist Paul Ehrlich to a bet.

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On Becoming a Novelist contains the wisdom accumulated during John Gardner's distinguished twenty-year career as a fiction writer and creative writing teacher.

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How startup entrepreneurs can make the leap from founder to long-term leader Why do so many entrepreneurs found innovative enterprises, only to find themselves failing as leaders once the business gets off the ground?

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The intelligence failures surrounding the invasion of Iraq dramatically illustrate the necessity of developing standards for evaluating expert opinion.

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Increase your employees' - and your own - productivity at work If you look out over today's workforce, you'll find millions of hard-working people who are overly tired, overly stressed, and less than enchanted with work.

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In geology an erratic is a "boulder or rock formation transported some distance from its original source, as by a glacier.

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Achieve your dream of retiring abroad while on a budget. The International Living Guide to Retiring Overseas on a Budget provides a detailed guide to one of the least-known but most effective retirement strategies in today's chaotic economic environment: Retiring abroad.

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Ed Durden brought a baby golden eagle home to his ranch in California, where she would stay for the next sixteen years.

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Achieve a better work/life balance with the innovative approach outlined here.

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