
Audiobooks Narrated by Benaifer Mirza

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Statistics prove that less than 20 per cent of people are successful in keeping the weight off after they have lost it.

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Packed with straight-talking, no-bullshit advice, inspiring stories and leadership lessons from the Sharks and participants, this is the ultimate get-ahead book.

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Ever suffered the collective flatulence of 80 c-passengers while sailing on a serene Asian river? Or called out for rescue in true Bollywood style while locked up in a minaret in Persia? Or had to cross a pack of hyenas en route to the loo?

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The world keeps taunting him as girlish, but the fact is that biologically, he is a boy. And he is always attracted to guys. Is Laxmi both a man and a woman? Or perhaps neither a man nor a woman?

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When Rupert Murdoch, executive chairman, News Corporation, blew up more than $870 million buying Star TV from Richard Li in the early 1990s, analysts were dismayed. Why on earth had Murdoch invested in a pan-Asian broadcaster that was neither fish nor fowl?

1 - 5 of 5 Titles