
Audiobooks Narrated by Brian Holsopple

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Dr. John E. Sarno's Healing Back Pain is a New York Times best seller that has helped over 500,000 readers.....

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Billions of government dollars, and thousands of charitable organizations and NGOs, are dedicated to helping the world's poor....

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Are you looking for an alternative to a career path at a big firm? Does founding your own start-up seem too risky? There is a radical third path open to you: You can buy a small business and run it as CEO.

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Has liberalism failed because it has succeeded? Of the three dominant ideologies of the 20th century - fascism, communism, and liberalism - only the last remains.

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You have been inundated with reports from media, governments, think tanks, and "experts" saying that our climate is changing for the worse, and it is our fault.

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Before he became a household name in America as perhaps our greatest hard-boiled crime writer, before his attachment to Lillian Hellman and blacklisting during the McCarthy era, and his subsequent downward spiral, Dashiell Hammett led a life of action.

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Dashiell Hammett is best known as both pioneer and master of American hard-boiled detective fiction, but these dozen and a half stories both affirm that reputation and present him in a different light.

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A series of closely interrelated essays on game theory, this book deals with an area in which progress has been least satisfactory...

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Frankenstein, The Time Machine, Star Trek, Dune, 1984, Blade Runner - science fiction has been explained as a combination of romance, science, and prophecy; as a genre based on an imagined alternative to the reader's environment; and as a form of fantastic fiction and historical literature.

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America is the ultimate start-up venture - and these are the heroes who made it happen.

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