
Audiobooks Narrated by Chris Ryan

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This bestseller has shown over one million investors the secrets to building stock market wealth.

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Contains a proven course for short-term traders that will help improve bottom lines, lessen risks--and increase confidence in building solid profits in today's volatile market.

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Short, snappy, and packed with Powell's depth and spirit, it will help people inspire anyone including themselve to extraordinary performance.

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William Bernstein's The Four Pillars of Investing gives investors the tools they need to construct top-returning portfolios­­, without the help of a financial adviser.

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In this profoundly significant book, author Michael Gurian synthesizes current knowledge and clearly demonstrates how this distinction in hard-wiring and socialized gender differences....

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eBay is the world's largest personal online trading company...

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Real-time business gives companies the ability to monitor and react to changes and address problems as they occur.

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Currently offered only in workshops, this program is revolutionizing high-end selling by showing companies how to "clone" their top sales performers. With step-by-step directions, this program helps sales professionals incorporate dozens of elements, skills, and sequences into a coherent and proven methodology.

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The inimitable author of the hugely popular Crosscurrents and River Music, whom Kirkus called one of the finest nature writers in print, comes back with a third hilarious and observant opus on the nature of knavery in the sport of fly fishing.

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The authors argue that modern times have seen an explosion in human capacities--miracles have almost become commonplace. Not only that, but these events are part of a new evolutionary scheme. Unabridged.

1 - 10 of 10 Titles