
Audiobooks Narrated by Cris Dukehart

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What makes stepmothering so hard? And why are we, as people and a culture, so hard on stepmothers? How can we make it easier? Stepmonster is a truly unique and groundbreaking book for women with stepchildren, men with kids who repartner, adult stepchildren, and anyone who cares about them.

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My Life After Death begins on the tragic day when Erik Medhus took his own life.

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Discover the secret to happy relationships. Relationships are rife with disappointment - but they are also the primary source of personal happiness. So it is no surprise that the number one question Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott hear over and over is...

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French Kids Eat Everything is a wonderfully wry account of how Karen Le Billon was able to alter her children's deep-rooted, decidedly unhealthy North American eating habits while they were all living in France.

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Like most parents, Amy and Jeffrey Olrick left the hospital with their first child desperate to know, "What do we do?" But years of parenting three kids and Jeffrey's work as a child psychologist convinced them to ask a better question: "How shall I be with this new person?"

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A thrilling exploration of how Carl Jung found the equation for realizing the divine through personal consciousness....

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A shot of encouragement, a kick in the ass, and a loving push for young people who have no idea what they want or how to get it

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When she moved her young family to her husband's hometown in northern France, Karen Le Billon expected some cultural adjustment.

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Elizabeth Meyer stumbled upon a career in the midst of planning her own father's funeral, which she turned into an upbeat party with Rolling Stones music, thousands of dollars' worth of her mother's favorite flowers, and a personalized eulogy.

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Problems between fathers and daughters can damage a young girl's identity, convince her she's unloveable or without worth, and send her into unhealthy adult relationships.

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