
Audiobooks Narrated by Frederick Davidson

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About to retire, Smiley is called back for one more round in the underground world of espionage to solve the death of one of his loyal cohorts, who was killed just when he had information of utmost importance to pass on to his spy chief.

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One of the classic volumes of autobiography, My Early Life is a lively and colourful account of a young man's quest for action, adventure and danger.

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Gloom lies like a mantle over the Mammoth Publishing Company, heaviest in the office of the proprietor, Lord Tilbury....

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How could a man who is devoid of character and who offers us unending doses of symbolism...

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Says Mortimer J. Adler, "Almost all of the philosophical truths that I have come to know and understand I have learned from Aristotle."...

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He was a gossip columnist's dream. Piccadilly Jim's life was a collage of broken promises and drunken brawls. And his straight-laced Victorian aunt was not amused. So...

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This masterful biography by one of Germany's best known journalists was the leading nonfiction best seller in Germany.

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Smiley goes on the offensive, salvaging what he can of the Service's ravaged network of spies. He searches for a clue that will lead him back to his opposite number: Karla, the Soviet officer....

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Darwin's theory of evolution is accepted by most educated Americans as simple fact. This easy...

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Recounted by the biographer who sets the standard for excellence, Churchill's story is one of high adventure...

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