Audiobooks Narrated by
Hannah Gordon
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The year in 1801. In this section, all the principal characters are introduced. Mr Lockwood, the new tenant of Thrushcross Grange, arrives at Wuthering Height to meet his landlord, Heathcliff.
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Praised by Virginia Woolf as one of the only novels "written for grown-up people", Middlemarch is a highly accomplished story, whose characters are involving and intriguing.
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Maggie and Tom, brother and sister, try to save their livelihood as their parents flounder in the face of modernization.
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An absorbing, semi-philosphical tale of love and people driven to extremes. Our hero, a carpenter, loves Hetty Sorel, but she loves Arthur Donnington, a local squire.
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What can take the fire out of a fever, the ache out of loving and the meanness out of a miser....
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