
Audiobooks Narrated by Joe Bronzi

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In this audio edition of their classic business fable, Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller get to the heart of what makes a leader successful.

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There is a long-standing truth in the world of organizations: Talent wins! But how do you attract the best people? What do they really want? Based on his rigorous and extensive research, Mark Miller learned that top performers are looking for very different things than solid contributors.

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Refire! Don't Retire asks readers the all-important question: As you approach the remainder of your life...

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Great ideas don't matter if you can't execute - best-selling leadership expert Mark Miller offers a proven, research-based method for creating workplaces where everyone performs at the highest level.

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Improve your personal and professional relationships! In this seminal book on helping, corporate culture and organizational development guru Ed Schein analyzes the dynamics of helping relationships, explains why help is often not helpful, and shows what any would-be-helper must do to insure that help is actually provided.

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The most important attribute high-performing organizations have in common is that they are well led.

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This audiobook presents a new approach to risk management that enables executives to think systematically and strategically about future risks and deal proactively with threats to their competitive advantages in an evermore volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world.

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Attract and retain affluent customers and clients. Much has changed since the original The Art of Selling to the Affluent was published. The financial crisis has affected the affluent as well as the less affluent.

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This book reveals what it takes for consultants of all types, as well as organizational leaders, to be really helpful in dealing with the complex, systemic, constantly changing organizational problems of today.

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Without trust, people and businesses fail. Trusted Leader provides a framework for building trust so that you and your organizations can perform at your best.

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