
Audiobooks Narrated by Julie Eickhoff

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Technology is advancing faster than ever - but for better or for worse? On the one hand, astonishing technological developments from personalized genomics to self-driving cars to drones to artificial intelligence could make our lives healthier, safer, and easier.

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Karen Phelan is sorry. She really is. She tried to do business by the numbers-the management consultant way- developing measures, optimizing processes, and quantifying performance.

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In Decoding the Heavens, Jo Marchant tells for the first time the full story of the 100-year quest to decipher the ancient Greek computer known as the Antikythera Mechanism.

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For fans of The Astronaut Wives Club, The Mercury 13 reveals the little-known true story of the remarkable women who trained for NASA space flight.

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You Deserve Your Success! Joyce Roche rose from humble circumstances to earn an Ivy League MBA and become the first female African-American vice president of Avon, president of a leading hair care company, and CEO of the national nonprofit Girls Inc.

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Create products and services your consumers can't pass up - without the high cost of development.

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In this revolutionary expose, Harvard Law School bankruptcy expert Elizabeth Warren and financial consultant Amelia Tyagi show that today's middle-class parents are increasingly trapped by financial meltdowns.

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Despite the countless books written on the subject of managing millennials (most often authored by non-millennials), no one has until now diagnosed the real issue of generational differences in the workplace: generations do not define themselves, their environment defines them.

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Thoroughly revised and updated new edition of the best-selling guide to implementing the popular change methodology, Appreciative Inquiry, in organizations of all sizes and sectors.

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Master coach and former International Coach Federation President Marcia Reynolds helps high-achieving women who may feel frustrated and restless embrace their 'wandering' impulses and come to peace with their desire for something more.

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