Audiobooks Narrated by
Mike Vendetti
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16 Titles
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No one else spins a Gothic tale of mystery & macabre quite like Edgar Allan Poe. In this collection of his stories you'll hear such famous Poe stories as "The Fall of the House of Usher"...
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The curious Case of Benjamin Button, a 1921 short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
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Returning from the horrors of World War I James Hall and Charles Nordhoff follow a dream to tour the South Pacific.
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Sinclair Lewis' George F. Babbitt is a complicated and conflicted character. He sees himself as a pretty successful business man, but when Tanis, the lonely widow has a leaky roof, he sees an opportunity for perhaps a more fulfilling relationship then he has at home.
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"I seen my opportunities and I took ‘em.", George Washington Plunkitt of Tamminy Hall. There's honest graft and dishonest graft according to Plunkitt. Listen to this candid discourse from a 19th century politician, and decide for yourself if things have changed.
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Listen to this free unabridged recording of Stephen Crane's Civil War novel The Red Badge of Courage. Hear as the soldier Henry Fleming enters the American Civil War, and is forced to transform from fear to courage.
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Ernest Thompson Seton was a man with a concern for nature her creatures and an excellent story teller.
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Pilot training in the French Air Corps was primarily a matter of survival. Visualize if you will, a class of "Penguins", aircraft with wings too short for flight scurrying about the airfield as student pilots learn to control these machines with no instructor on board, and for that matter in Mr. Halls case there was never an instructor on board.
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Back in the day before automobiles, a good horse trainer and veterinarian was the equivalent of "Mr Goodwrench". A badly behaving or unhealthy equine was equivalent to breaking down on the highway or running out of gas on a lonely stretch of highway somewhere in Utah.
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"Pvt Ryan", "Platoon", "A Soldier's Home", "Kitchener's Mob". These aren't happy stories, they are about the experience of War. War at different times, and although modern warfare may be more sanitized, the adventure, the horror, the emotions don't change.
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