
Audiobooks Narrated by Rosemary Benson

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We all wish we had more control. When our relationships are strained, when our bodies refuse to cooperate, when the future is uncertain, control promises security and peace.

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Show, don't tell is probably the single most important piece of advice given to writers. But many writers struggle to understand this powerful principle or have difficulty applying it to their own work. Even experienced authors sometimes don't grasp the finer nuances of showing and telling.

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Make sales coaching a daily priority for top-of-game staff performance.

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In Whatever Works, Thalma Lobel explores groundbreaking psychological research on job performance, satisfaction, and creativity.

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At nearly 20 tons per person, American carbon dioxide emissions are among the highest in the world.

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No longer only the domain of corporate public relations, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has now become a serious concern for many firms and a major sphere of academic research.

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Most books exploring the Enneagram are focused on understanding oneself. But how does the Enneagram lend insight to our relationships? Specifically, your relationship with your spouse and the unique pairing you share?

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The voices of adopted children are poignant, questioning. And they tell a familiar story of loss, fear, and hope.

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Your stomach's churning; you're hyperventilating - you're in a badly deteriorating conversation at work.

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The world of sales has become less predictable and more competitive in recent years.

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