
Audiobooks Narrated by William Hughes

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Drawing on a profound understanding of geopolitical patterns, George Friedman offers a compelling, eye-opening portrait of the future and the new historical cycle we are now entering.

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What is autism: a lifelong disability or a naturally occurring form of cognitive difference akin to certain forms of genius? In truth it is both of these things and more - and the future of our society depends on our understanding it.

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Over the last four decades, debt, bankruptcy, and home foreclosures have risen to epidemic levels, and the personal savings rate has sunk dangerously low. Why, in the richest nation on Earth, can't Americans hold on to their money?

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Since President-elect Barack Obama mentioned he was reading about the first hundred days of FDRs administration in a 60 Minutes interview, there has been a surge of interest in books on the topic.

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A pithy guide to real-world economics, abridged from Sharma's New York Times best seller The Rise and Fall of Nations.

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This isn't your America. No matter who the president is. We are told that, when we vote and elect representatives, we gain a voice in government and its policies. Yet, it hasn't translated our preferences into higher living standards for the majority of us.

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In Solid State, Kenneth Womack offers the most definitive account of the conception, recording, mixing, and reception of Abbey Road.

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A coruscating, brilliantly insightful exegesis of where capitalism went wrong, how it was corrupted, and how it might be restored....

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In this groundbreaking portrait of corporate seizure of political power, We the Corporations reveals how American businesses won equal rights and transformed the Constitution to serve the ends of capital.

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A riveting account of the state of Arizona, seen through the lens of the Tucson shootings....

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