
Commonwealth Club of California Best Archived Videos

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The Commonwealth Club of California has been bringing fascinating speakers to their forum since 1903. Their podcast feed currently features many years of speaking events.

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Who is your mentor? Author Tim Ferriss went in search of guidance as he spoke with experts from the tech, business, sports and entertainment fields-and he's coming back to INFORUM to share their best advice for successfully navigating through life.

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Sullenberger had less than three minutes to plan and execute the water landing hailed around the world as the miracle on the Hudson last winter.

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In his best-selling, first book, The Lean Startup, entrepreneur Eric Ries laid out a new road map to success for startups of all shapes and sizes, kick-starting a movement that quickly spread across the industry and inspired a generation of entrepreneurs.

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When the Conficker computer "worm" was unleashed in 2008, security experts were dumbfounded. Through a Windows security flaw, the worm infected 12 million computers, including machines vital to air traffic and banking systems.

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One of the world's most influential corporate leaders shares how a small Seattle coffee shop spawned a global empire. Schultz discusses what he's learned on his journey from small business owner to head of a company with more than 17,000 locations.

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Tim Ferriss presents some of the findings in his latest book The 4-Hour Body in which he used himself as a guinea pig to find out the fastest way to the best results when it comes to the human body.

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Can lifestyle medicine actually change your health and well-being? In their newest book, UnDo It!, Dean Ornish and his wife Anne present a comprehensive approach to reversing many of the chronic diseases that plague Americans today.

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In his best-selling books in the Czech Republic, former advisor to Vaclav Havel Sedlacek shows how economics is woven out of history, myth, religion and ethics.

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Hanson is here to tell us how war has created the world as we know it and how war will frequently change to suit our needs. He explores our conflicts from the terrorist bombings of September 11 and Iran to ancient Athens and the U.S. Civil War.

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