
Cutting Edge Conscious Video Interviews

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It may seem as if we are attracting things to us -- that is, perhaps, how we experience manifesting -- but really it is a frequency that generates outcomes. Darryl Anka, channel for Bashar, joins Barnet and Freeman for another amazing conversation on Cutting Edge Consciousness.

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I am what is right with the world I see and I am what is wrong with the world I see -- reality is simply a reflection of our consciousness, consistent with our beliefs, agreements and expectations.

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Bestselling author and renowned cell-biologist, Bruce Lipton, joins Barnet Bain and Freeman Michaels for a remarkable conversation about New Science and expanding perception about who we are and how the world works.

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Byron Katie joins filmmaker Barnet Bain and life coach Freeman Michaels on Cutting Edge Consciousness to discuss questioning our thoughts.

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Bestselling author of the "Conversations with God" series, Neale Donald Walsch, joins Barnet Bain and Freeman Michaels on Cutting Edge Consciousness for a conversation about the level of consciousness that politics tends to operate from.

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You can not have real prosperity without a healthy relationship with your shadow. Debbie Ford joins Barnet Bain and Freeman Michaels on Cutting Edge Consciousness for a fascinating conversation about the shadow of money.

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Bob Proctor is abundant - he radiates abundance - his perspective is wise and generous - he generates and attracts abundance.

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The "Greater Good" is the new bottom line. An new paradigm of cooperation is emerging that mimics nature - while this flies in the face of Darwinian science, emerging discoveries support a new way of viewing our TRUE nature.

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The start of spiritual awakening is generally a response to an inherent human cry for "help".

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Cutting Edge Consciousness is cohosted by film producer and creativity expert Barnet Bain along with author and internationally recognized transformational coach Freeman Michaels.

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