
Eckhart Teachings Audio & Video

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In 2005, Eckhart was interviewed by 23 year-old actor Sean A. Mulvihill for the documentary film, "Living Luminaries: On the Serious Business of Happiness."

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Describing himself as a midwife, Eckhart assists us in the birthing process of a new state of consciousness....

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The theme of this four-day retreat: It's Always NowThe Now is inseparable from who you are at the deepest level. It is the prerequisite of Being....

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Begin living as the aware Presence that is the essence of your being. This talk reveals practical hints on accessing that field of still Presence....

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Whether you are new to meditation or have been a long time meditator, this talk can change the form of any meditation practice into a meditation without form....

1 - 5 of 5 Titles