
Firing Line with William F. Buckley, Jr. Audio & Video

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In this episode of Firing Line, William F. Buckley, Jr. questions Tom Wolfe about his book Radical Chic and Mau-mauing the Flak Catchers.

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The first Firing Line appearance for Professor Adler, a buoyant thinker and teacher. The "great ideas" get into the discussion, but not separately from the way people are, or should be, introduced to them.

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The Painted Word had angered whichever portions of the intelligentsia had not previously been hostile to Mr. Wolfe.

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The exchanges are frustrating at times, Mr. Marx being so relentlessly, well, Groucho. But it's fun and sometimes illuminating to see this mythic figure on someone else's turf.

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The series lives up to its billing, starting with this session featuring the leader of the behaviorist school of psychology and a leader in cognitive theory.

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The death penalty was under heavy attack in the courts and in public forums, and polls indicated that it was the issue that most sharply divided liberals from conservatives.

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We all remember Dr. Leary as a proselytizer for LSD; we've mostly forgotten that he had started out as a doctor of clinical psychology and that he had made LSD the basis of a "new religion."

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Hold onto your hat for this free-for-all among four men who aren't simply coming from different directions-they're in different universes.

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Here we get an exploration of President Clinton's lies with Ms. Coulter. There is some serious discussion of what James Madison and his colleagues meant by "high crimes and misdemeanors" and what impeachment of a President would mean to the nation…

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What made Southern literature distinctive? Is it distinctive still? This show starts a little slowly--Miss Welty in particular is thoughtful rather than quick--but we soon get to the heart of the matter.

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