
Mises Institute Courses & Audio Books

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A collection of ten speeches and lectures by Murray N. Rothbard, spanning from the 1970s to the early 1990s. He is speaking in a small classroom setting, explaining economics from the ground up, and systematically in the manner of a classic 101 course on the topic--but with a revolutionary approach.

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The audio book version of The Case Against the Fed, by Murray N. Rothbard, as read by Dr. Floy Lilley.

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Download what is considered to be Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises' magnum opus entitled Human Action: A Treatise on Economics. In this book Mises argues for laissez-faire capitalism and concludes that the free-market economy serves as the foundation of civilization.

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Thomas E. Woods, Jr., senior fellow in history at the Mises Institute, presents this eight-lecture course covering the material in his book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History. Presented to the Auburn University Academy for Lifelong Learners, and hosted at the Mises Institute.

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The audio book version of What Has Government Done to Our Money?, by Murray N. Rothbard, as read by Jeff Riggenbach.

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Podcasts, interviews, lectures, narrated articles and essays, and more. This is the Mises Institute's master online media catalog.

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The audio book version of Economic Science and the Austrian Method, by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, as read by Gennady Stolyarov II.

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The audio book version of The Driver, by Garet Garrett, as read by Jeff Riggenbach.

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By Frédéric Bastiat, here we have one of the most penetrating and powerful essays written in the history of political economy. Read by Floy Lilley.

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In this ten-lecture course sponsored by Steve Berger and Kenneth Garschina, intellectual historian David Gordon guides students through a survey of the greatest thinkers, and evaluates these scholars by their arguments for and against the idea of Liberty.

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