
Osho Talks on Online Audio

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Osho describes unconsciousness as the basement of our minds in which many things are buried which find expression through your conscious.

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Patanjali the founder of ancient Yoga has laid out a fascinating understanding of body and mind. Osho brings this ancient system into a contemporary understanding, creating a holistic approach to health and meditation.

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Communication as such is difficult. Of course it is more difficult between lovers. But first you have to understand the general difficulty of communication.

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Only compassion is therapeutic – because all that is ill in man is because of lack of love. All that is wrong with man is somewhere associated with love.

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The Sutra of Forty-Two Chapters is a succinct summary doctrine by which Buddhism was introduced to China. Each of the 42 sutras begins with …the Buddha said…

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Responses to a question on how to explore the higher states of consciousness. According to Osho there are not many ways to explore higher levels of consciousness…

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Question: You say that love and hate are one; but I see more hate in the world than love. At the same time, you say that enlightenment is neither love nor hate.

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There was a time when hypnosis was a recognized door towards meditation. In the Middle Ages hypnosis was condemned alongside witchcraft. That condemnation still lingers on. Osho speaks here about hypnosis as a very helpful tool to enter into meditation.

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Why am I always running so fast? Is there something that I don’t want to see?

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Osho speaks about George Gurdjieff, one of the most significant masters of this age. He used to say, "You are in prison." If you wish to get out of prison - the first thing you must do is realize that you are in prison... or you are the prison.

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