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This Author: Richard M. Nixon
This Publisher: American Rhetoric

Checkers by Richard M. Nixon


by Richard M. Nixon


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
28 Min.
User Rating
  4.8  Stars Based on 2 ratings


"I come before you tonight as a candidate for the Vice Presidency and as a man whose honesty and integrity has been questioned.

Now, the usual political thing to do when charges are made against you is to either ignore them or to deny them without giving details. I believe we've had enough of that in the United States, particularly with the present Administration in Washington, D.C. To me the office of the Vice Presidency of the United States is a great office, and I feel that the people have got to have confidence in the integrity of the men who run for that office and who might obtain it."

- Richard Nixon

This speech was delivered 23 September 1952.

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