
Painting, Architecture, & Sculpture Podcasts

Featured Painting, Architecture, & Sculpture Podcasts

LearnOutLoud Podcasts

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LearnOutLoud.com presents the Art History Podcast. Each episode provides thoughtful analysis of the enduring artistic masterpieces that have become hallmarks of western culture.

by David Remnick

The New Yorker Radio Hour is a weekly, long-form magazine format podcast hosted by editor David Remnick, presenting investigative looks at important political, cultural and sociological stories.

by Frances Anderton

From your iPod to the Freedom Chair to the Walt Disney Concert Hall design and architecture shape our world. On DnA: Design and Architecture host Frances Anderton talks to design world leaders about the latest in products fashion graphics architecture and more in Los Angeles and beyond.

by Andrew W. Mellon

Messages, meanings, movements—how does art history help us understand our world? Join curators, historians, artists, musicians and filmmakers as they explore art and its histories in a search for our shared humanity.


From their enclave in midtown Manhattan, Michael Moynihan (Vice), Matt Welch (Reason), and Kmele Foster (Freethink) dissect the news, interrogate guests, and question just about everything.


Welcome to SFMOMA Artcasts, the Museum’s podcast series produced in collaboration with Antenna Audio and sponsored by AT&T.

by Emmerline Smy

A bi-weekly food exploration plus a guest working in food, art, history and/or design. Each week will feature an ingredient, concept or issue relating to food and uncover origins, stories, artworks an

by Enoch Sears

Warning architects! On this show you'll discover strategies, tips and secrets for running a fun, flexible and profitable architecture practice.

by Edward Goldman

Art reviews news and announcements from KCRW's resident art critic Edward Goldman. Both fearless and fun Edward offers a unique accent on art.


Design is everywhere in our lives, perhaps most importantly in the places where we've just stopped noticing.

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