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The Raja Show by D Raja

The Raja Show

by D Raja

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What does it mean to you?

Each of us wants to achieve success in our life, and for many of us, that success comes in the form of the financial success we enjoy in our lives and businesses.

For Raja, that success has come over the course of an award winning 21-year career as the head of one of the fastest growing IT companies in America.

But that success came with a price. A significant price, that included years and years of long days, sleepless nights, and all-around hard work. It was a price that Raja was willing to pay to enjoy the success he does today.

It was also a price that came with a myriad of lessons, most of which Raja learned the hard way…in the trenches. Like most successful entrepreneurs, he didn’t learn these lessons during his undergraduate and graduate college coursework. He learned them through the hard work and determination that have become his trademark.

And with The Raja Show, it’s his turn to pass along what he’s learned on to you. He shares the experiences that both he and his guests have lived through, and offers practical, actionable advice for you to attain the personal and business financial success you have always wanted.

Advice for All Ages

No matter what age you are, there’s always room for improvement in your career and life, in order to reach the ultimate goal of financial and business success. Raja’s advice is specifically customized to address the concerns facing individuals at every stage of life.


Once the cap and gown come off and it’s time for wave after wave of college students to enter “the real world”, these young hopefuls come face to face with the stark reality of student loan debt.

Over $1.2 trillion dollars in the United States is tied up in student loan debt, considerably more than even credit card debt (over $800 billion). And out of every 10 students who graduated college in 2014, seven of them did so with student loan debt in place, to the tune of almost $30,000 per borrower.

Such a deficit can be a significant obstacle towards the path to success. Ask Raja about the financial and professional strategies you can put in place right now to ensure that your earnings for your first few working years aren’t funneled directly to paying down these debts.


Once you’ve (hopefully) conquered the student loan battle, as well as all of the other challenges the come with making your way in the professional world, it’s now time for the fun to begin!

Job. Marriage. Kids. Family. Mortgage. College Fund. Parents’ Health. Retirement. It’s a lot to keep together, and you have to keep your head on the proverbial swivel to make it all work.

And even if you DO make it work. the numbers to make it succeed aren’t in your favor. The wealth inequality in the U.S. is as high as its been in decades. In 2013, the Top 3% held 54.4% of all of the wealth in the U.S., with the bottom 90% holding 24.7% of the wealth.

But what if you had the knowledge and skill set to ensure that YOUR finances aren’t as overmatched? Tune in to The Raja Show to discuss the things you need to do to find a better job, even if it means changing your career entirely, to give you a better shot at all that life will be throwing at you in your 30’s and 40’s.


It’s never too early to ask yourself the following question: Are you ready for retirement?

Sadly, for a sizable portion of the American population, the answer isn’t just “no”….it’s “not even close”! According to a survey released by the Federal Reserve in August of 2014, approximately one in five Americans near retirement age (ages 55-64) have NO money saved for retirement. None. And for all American adults, the news isn’t much better, as that number jumps to 31%.

And those numbers are even more glaring when considering that Americans are living longer than ever before, meaning there’s even MORE retirement life to plan for without savings.

But there’s still hope, and there’s still plenty of opportunity to lay the groundwork for financial success, regardless of your starting point. Give Raja a call to discuss your situation, and hear his advice for where you should allocate your resources to ensure that your golden years are just that….golden!


On “The Raja Show”, Raja and his guests will be at the ready to answer your most pressing questions related to business and personal financial success, including:

-How do you get a better job to support your family and your lifestyle needs?

-How can you find the perfect balance between your income and expenses?

-What opportunities are out there for you to gain more education to make you more attractive to high-level employment opportunities?

-What decisions can you make right now to support the most effective investment strategy to build more wealth for you and your family, prepare for emergencies, and protect your loved ones from economic peril?

-What can you do to boost the sales in your business, generating more revenue for you and enabling your employees to prosper more for your efforts?

-How can you manage the ever-growing innovation trends that define your industry, in order to get a jump on your competition?

-How should you allocate your resources to attain a balanced portfolio, in order to minimize risk for your company?

-How can you get the most out of your people to meet your expectations for performance in your business?

-What can you do to manage your cash flow, widely considered to be the lifeblood of your business?

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