
Literature Podcasts

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by Ralph Waldo Emerson

LearnOutLoud.com presents the Selected Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson Podcast. Born in 1803, Emerson was renowned during the mid 19th century as a philosopher, writer, public orator, naturalist, and spiritual trailblazer.

by Harriett Gilbert

Join the World Book Club and listen to the globe's great authors discuss their best known works of literature. The BBC's Harriett Gilbert has been hosting this monthly radio show since 2002 with over 200 podcast episodes on the feed, interviewing winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature, the Booker Prize, the Pulitzer Prize...


Each week C-SPAN airs and podcasts their After Words program which features the authors of the latest nonfiction books being interviewed by journalists, public policy makers, and legislators.

by Aesop

Aesop's Fables Podcast collects the timeless moral fables of the Greek storyteller Aesop.


A monthly reading and conversation.


It's story time for adults with NPR's award-winning series of short fiction read by the stars of stage and screen.

by LeVar Burton

Listen to short fiction read by the amazing actor and voice talent Levar Burton. You might recognize Levar Burton from his television work on Reading Rainbow, Star Trek: The Next Generation, and the miniseries Roots.


With this series we will investigate the gods, heroes, and myths that formed bedrock of belief in the ancient Greek and Roman world.

by Jon Hagadorn

A fast-paced, entertaining, and educational collection of narrated short stories and tales for all ages.


LearnOutLoud.com is pleased to provide the Lit Summary Podcast. Each episode contains an abbreviated yet complete audio summary of a classic book in western literature.

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