

Back to School Online with Audio & Video

Back to School Online with Audio & Video

Back to School with Our Introductory 101 Pages

Millions of people are now back at school this year. If you're one of them and looking to brush up on a subject, or if you're not and just curious to learn more in a given area we've created a series of "101 pages" just for you. We created these a year ago, and we've now updated them with all the great resources we've added in the last year.

These pages consist of audio and video programs that serve as introductions to most of the major academic subjects. It's a great mixture of audiobooks, podcasts and other free resources and a great way to learn on your own or supplement your traditional studies.

To check out our 101 pages in subjects ranging from American Literature and Astronomy to Physics and Psychology, click the link below:

LearnOutLoud.com's Back to School "101" Pages

2 New Podcasts To Learn From

For the new school year, we've launched two new podcasts to subscribe to. The first podcast which we launched this week is the Lit Summary Podcast. This new podcast features half-hour summaries of some of the greatest works in western literature.

This podcast is a great way to become acquainted with the classics, and to decide if you'd like to delve further into a work of classic literature. Currently on the feed we're featuring a half-hour summary of Jane Austen's classic Pride and Prejudice:

Lit Summary Podcast on LearnOutLoud.com

Lit Summary Podcast on iTunes

We've also launched the Art History Podcast. This podcast will feature audio programs on different artists and classic works of art in the categories of painting, architecture, & sculpture. Each podcast that covers a specific work of art, also features an accompanying PDF for viewing the art work.

Art History Podcast on LearnOutLoud.com

Art History Podcast on iTunes

Listen and subscribe to these new podcasts from LearnOutLoud.com. And watch out for more educational podcasts in the coming school year!

--> LearnOutLoud.com E-Magazine No. 050 - September 14th, 2007