


Podcasting, War of the Worlds, Audio Publishers

Podcasting, War of the Worlds, Audio Publishers

Podcasting + War of the Worlds + Audio Publishers + Digital Downloads

Podcasting Heats Up With iTunes 4.9

On June 28th, 2005 Apple released iTunes 4.9 which now features a Podcast Directory with thousands of free podcasts to browse and already the number of downloads for these podcasts is in the millions.

Podcasting is a revolutionary form of broadcasting which allows virtually anyone to record a podcast, and then people can subscribe to them and automatically download these audio programs to play on their computer, iPod, or any other digital audio player. This innovation was made possible thanks to RSS feeds (Really Simple Syndication), the same technology that allows you to subscribe to blogs.

Now along with popular music and audio book downloads, iTunes has added a section to their store dedicated solely to downloading free Podcasts with audio programs from numerous public radio stations, along with shows from ABC News, CNN, and Air America radio, as well as informative podcasts on almost any topic imaginable recorded by do-it- yourself podcasters around the globe.

LearnOutLoud.com is excited to take part in this revolutionary new medium that has dissolved the boundaries placed on how we receive valuable information. We soon hope to be your central resource for educational podcasts where you can find great free audio content on any topic you're wanting to learn about. Already we feature dozens of podcasts that you can download through our site or link to iTunes to subscribe to. We have podcasts covering politics, technology, history, and much more such as The Al Franken Show, this WEEK in TECH and History According to Bob.

In addition to showcasing educational Podcasts on our site, we are proud to continue recording LearnOutLoud.com's "Audio Learning Revolution" Podcast on a regular basis. Each week our Podcast devotes time to particular aspects of audio learning and covers resources for topics that you can learn about on audio. To download our show for free, visit www.learnoutloud.com/podcast. Also to listen and subscribe to our Podcast in the iTunes directory Click Here or simply search the iTunes Podcast Directory for "learnoutloud". And for any other podcasting applications you might use our podcast feed URL is:

http://www.learnoutloud.com/podcasts/podcast .xml

War of the Worlds Audio Page

You've seen all the hype for the new Steven Spielberg blockbuster adaptation of War of the Worlds, but now maybe you're interested in listening to an audio book of H.G. Wells' original 1898 classic or hearing other dramatic adaptations such as Orson Welles' 1938 radio broadcast.

Don't waste time scouring the internet to find other versions, because LearnOutLoud.com has collected every adaptation of War of the Worlds available on Audio. The War of the World's Audio Page features multiple unabridged audio books of H.G. Well's original novel, every version of Orson Welles' classic 1938 broadcast, and other adaptations such as a 1970s Musical version, a 50th Anniversary Production redone by NPR, and a Full Cast Dramatization featuring the cast of Star Trek.

You'll find most of these titles on Cassette & CD and for some versions you can even download the audio programs directly to your computer. The page also features a selection on VHS and DVD videos, including George Pal's 1953 Film Adaptation, and documentaries like "The Day that Panicked America". The War of the Worlds has a rich artistic history available on audio, and after you visit our page, you'll find that the new film is just an addition to a visionary legacy started by H.G. Wells over a century ago.

Audio & Video Learning Publisher Database

Want to find more resources for learning on audio? Want to discover great audio publishers covering topics like Self Development or Language Learning? Want to know which Audiobook Rental Services offer the best deal for you? Let LearnOutLoud.com help you find all the audio learning resources you need with our extensive listing of Publisher Pages.

With this resource you'll not only find information and resources from major publishers like Simon and Schuster Audio and Random House Audio. You'll also find entries for lesser known audio and video learning publishers like The Teaching Company and Nightingale Conant; important publishers that utilize great lecturers and speakers to instruct you on dozens of fascinating topics. You'll also find all the major audio book publishers of unabridged nonfiction and classic literature like Blackstone Audio and Recorded Books.

In addition to listing off publishers, we also showcase the rental subscription companies and digital download services like Jiggerbug, Simply Audiobooks, and the leading audio download resource Audible.com. Each publisher profile provides you with descriptions of these publishers and retailers along with detailed data on a given company's products and their contact information. LearnOutLoud.com has designed these pages specifically for you to get better aquainted with the providers that make up the vast world of audio and video learning.

Digital Downloads & the Future of Audio Learning

by David@LearnOutLoud.com

The biggest revolution in the history of audio learning is happening right now. Audio content including audio books, podcasts, radio programs, lectures, speeches, and all other kinds of audio programs are now available to download. While most people still listen to audio books on CD and Cassette, there are some people including myself that are learning more and more on portable digital audio players like iPods.

I got my 20 GB iPod last Christmas and since then I've discovered many resources for digitally downloading great audio content. The major resource is Audible.com which has done an amazing job of collecting content from hundreds of audio publishers and selling audio downloads of these programs.

I download most of my audio books through Audible.com. They have reviews, audio samples, and a wide array of ways to browse to help me find what I want. And one of the best features of their downloads is that they are bookmarkable on my iPod, which means I can pause my place on multiple audio books and then go back to exactly where I left off. Audible.com also has a number of monthly membership plans that can make buying audio books much cheaper.

Apple has joined forces with Audible.com and their music downloading program iTunes features a Downloadable Audiobooks Section which has mostly what is available on Audible.com. Downloading audiobooks on iTunes is as easy as downloading music there and it may be preferable for people that already use iTunes a lot. MSN Music is also competing with iTunes and while they don't feature audio books, MSN Music does have a Spoken Word Section, along with interesting audio publishers like Smithsonian Folkways Recordings and Radio Classics. There's also some smaller retailers offering digital downloads like PayPerListen.com and mp3 Motivators.

So there's already a lot of great digital download resources out there and with podcasting exploding these resources are increasing exponentially. Now I can rapidly download dozens of audio books and podcasts onto my portable digital audio player and listen to them everywhere I go. It's really revolutionizing the way I learn on audio.

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--> LearnOutLoud.com E-Magazine No. 002 - July 2005