

Psychology Training on Audio

Psychology Training on Audio

Best Audio Downloads in Psychology

One of the most popular categories on our site is psychology, so in this newsletter we're going to focus on some of the best titles, authors, and publishers of psychology audio books that we currently feature on LearnOutLoud.com. If you're interested in learning about the basics of psychology, the brain & neuroscience, the various psychological disorders, or the ways you can improve your psychological well-being we have a wide selection to choose from.

Browse All Psychology Audio Downloads

We'll start with some of the bestselling audio downloads that we currently feature on the topic of psychology, including some newer releases:

Learn About the Basics of Psychology:

AP Psychology AudioLearn

Barron's EZ 101 Study Keys: Psychology

Freud by Anthony Storr

Jung by Anthony Stevens

Learn about the Brain & Neuroscience:

Basic Brain by The Infinite Mind

Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel by Candace Pert

Kluge: The Haphazard Construction of the Human Mind by Gary Marcus

The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist's Case for the Existence of the Soul by Mario Beauregard

The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine, M.D.

The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation by Drew Westen

God and the Brain by Andrew Newberg

The Social Brain by Daniel Goleman

Learn About Numerous Psychological Disorders:

Driven to Distraction: Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder from Childhood Through Adulthood by Edward M. Hallowell

Delivered From Distraction: Get the Most Out of Life with Attention Deficit Disorder by Edward M. Hallowell

Strange Son: Two Mothers, Two Sons, and the Quest to Unlock the Hidden World of Autism by Portia Iverson

A Fractured Mind by Robert B. Oxnam

My Lobotomy: A Memoir by Howard Dully

The Divided Mind: The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders by John E. Sarno, M.D.

And the The Infinite Mind Public Radio Series features programs on many psychological disorders including Borderline Personality Disorder, Manic Depression, Narcissism, Asperger's Syndrome, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Schizophrenia, Alcoholism, and more.

Learn to Improve Your Psychological Well-Being & Boost Your Brain Power:

Masterthinker by Dr. Edward de Bono

Can't Remember What I Forgot by Sue Halpern

The Golden World by Jungian Author Robert A. Johnson

The Mindful Way Through Depression by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Zindel Segal, Mark Williams, & John Teasdale

How To Sharpen Short Term Memory by Sam Bowen

Relieve Anxiety with Medical Hypnosis by Steven Gurgevich

Improve Your Memory Now by Gary Small

Making Your Thoughts Work for You by Byron Katie and Wayne Dyer

NLP Introduction 101 by John Santangelo

Depression, A Disorder of Power by Susan Heitler

Effective Learning Systems also features numerous self help audio programs that deal with the mind including Concentration, Conquering Fears and Anxiety, Decision Making, Easy Memory Improvement for Busy People, Healing Yourself With Your Mind, Managing Stress, Overcoming Procrastination, Up From Depression, and more.

Top Authors & Publishers in Psychology

LearnOutLoud.com is pleased to feature some of the leading authors and publishers in the fields of psychology and neuroscience. We currently feature audio downloads from the following authors and publishers:

Dr. Daniel Amen Audio Downloads - Dr. Daniel Amen is a psychiatrist and medical director of the Amen Clinics which contains the world's largest database of brain scans. During the course of his studies of the brain, Dr. Amen has published over over 30 professional papers and 22 books. He's also a sought-after speaker and has delivered many presentations on audio along with his audio books which we're pleased to offer on MP3 download:

Making a Good Brain Great by Daniel G. Amen

Sex on the Brain: 12 Lessons to Enhance Your Love Life by Daniel G. Amen

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life - Lecture Series by Daniel G. Amen

Battling Addictions by Daniel G. Amen

Dr. Daniel Siegel Audio Downloads - Dr. Daniel Siegel is the Director of the Mindsight Institute and the Co-Director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center. He is the author of numerous books on mindfulness, psychology, and neurobiology. LearnOutLoud.com is pleased to be offering a number of Dr. Siegel's educational audio programs on MP3 download for the first time:

The Mindful Brain by Dr. Daniel Siegel

The Neurobiology of We by Dr. Daniel Siegel

Nine Domains of Integration by Dr. Daniel Siegel

The Developing Mind: How Emotions and Relationships Shape Child Development by Dr. Daniel Siegel

The Infinite Mind - Lichtenstein Creative Media produces a series called The Infinite Mind which often airs on public radio. These award-winning titles range from merely interesting to downright fascinating. For a glimpse into the subject matter, click here to read our blog post about some of their titles. For the complete listing of Lichtenstein Creative Media titles that we have up on the site, click the link below:

Browse The Infinite Mind Audio Downloads

Enjoy these audio downloads available through LearnOutLoud.com.

Top Free Psychology Audio & Video Resources

Check out 10 of the top free psychology audio books, lectures, & podcasts available for free online. For the past three years we've featured dozens of free psychology resources as part of our Free Resource of the Day Emails. From these resources we've selected the top 10 free psychology audio books, lectures, and podcasts. You can check them all out by clicking the titles below:

1. Dream Psychology: Psychoanalysis for Beginners

Download the audio book of Sigmund Freud's Dream Psychology. This book distills Freud's ideas on dream psychology into a compact manual. While Freud's magnum opus The Interpretation Of Dreams can be overwhelming in its length and scientific language, this audio book attempts to convey Freud's words on dream psychology in language fit for the lay reader through these nine straightforward chapters:

# 1. Dreams Have a Meaning # 2. The Dream Mechanism # 3. Why the Dream Disguises the Desires # 4. Dream Analysis # 5. Sex in Dreams # 6. The Wish in Dreams # 7. The Function of the Dream # 8. The Primary and Secondary Process - Regression # 9. The Unconscious and Consiousness - Reality

This book is presented on audio for the first time by Librivox.org and is narrated by a number of their volunteer narrators.

2. The Origin of the Human Mind

In this streaming UCTV video Lecture, cognitive scientist Martin Sereno gives us a survey of the brain's evolution. With thorough visual aids, Sereno examines the difference between the human brain and that of other species, showcasing experiments he has conducted that have helped broaden our understanding of the physical mechanics behind human thought. The biggest question he poses is why our minds are so special, when organically the human brain is 99% similar to that of the primates. Learn why size doesn't matter when it comes to brain power!

3. Jung Podcast

This podcast is devoted to the understanding of the analytical psychology of the great Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. Jungian analyst John Betts (who graduated from the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zurich, Switzerland) introduces listeners to Carl Jung's theories of the structure of the psyche, the Anima & Animus, the Persona, Jungian dream interpretation, active imagination, individuation, and more! John Betts is incredibly lucid and articulate in describing these theories, providing real life examples and quoting Jung and other Jungians as he goes along. It's basically a course on Jung, and one would do best to start with Betts' first podcasts and work his or her way through them.

4. Introduction to Psychology

MIT OpenCourseWare is offering their Introduction to Psychology course for free on MP3 download. Professor Jeremy Wolfe guides listeners through the basic functions of the brain including emotions, memory, cognition, language development, and more. He finishes off the course with lectures on Freud and mental illness. Wolfe is an engaging lecturer that pulls listeners in from the first lecture. Each lecture features a PDF download of lecture notes to supplement the audio. Download or stream this course through MIT OpenCourseWare.

5. Boosting the Brain's Power Into Old Age

In this lecture delivered at the Chautauqua Institution, author Dharma Singh Khalsa talks about "Boosting the Brain's Power Into Old Age". He provides methods for preventing Alzheimer's disease and other brain related illnesses, and how to boost your memory and to become more mentally energetic. Dr. Dharma provides some nutrition and supplement suggestions. He claims that the days of declining mental activity during old age are over with, if people will make a conscious effort to maintain their healthy brain. This title is available on streaming video and MP3 download from FORA.tv.

6. Self Psychology Video Podcast

In this video podcast Licensed Master Social Worker Marcos A. Quinones delivers talks on life's common disturbances and provides self-help strategies when it comes to managing one's psychological and social life. Topics covered include mindfulness, happiness, grief, sexuality, anger, and much more. Learn more about your own psychology with this video podcast.

7. The Neuroscience of Consciousness, Perception, and Self

While covering the Iraq war in 2006, TV news Journalist Bob Woodruff suffered a traumatic brain injury after nearly losing his life to a roadside bomb. In this fascinating discussion from the Aspen Institute, Woodruff traces how he rebuilt his ability to comprehend the world step by step; showing the viewers video of his first few days of rehabilitation through to his still ongoing attempts to recover lost brain functions. Woodruff offers a prime case study for scientists that are attempting to uncover the many mysteries of human consciousness. This talk is available on streaming video and MP3 download through FORA.tv.

8. Vilayanur Ramachandran: A Journey to the Center of Your Mind

In this TED talk, neurologist Vilayanur Ramachandran provides some neuroscientific explanations for puzzling psychological and physiological phenomena. He covers why after certain brain injuries patients cannot visually recognize their mother, how to amputated patients can overcome the pain of phantom limbs for only $3, and why certain people see colors when they look at numbers and letters. This talk is available on streaming video and MP3 download from the TED.com website.

9. Ten Days in a Madhouse

This classic piece of investigative journalism was written by Nellie Bly, one of the first female newspaper reporters. She went undercover to reveal the conditions of asylums in New York. This audio book is narrated by Alice at LibriVox, and she has the youthful spunk of Nellie Bly's writing. It is available on MP3 Download.

10. Oliver Sacks: Musicophilia

In this lecture from FORA.tv, neurologist and author Oliver Sacks (who authored the popular book Awakenings) discusses his latest book Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain. He tells stories about his many patients over the years and their experiences with music both as an affliction and a treatment for the brain. Sacks purports that human responsiveness to music is intrinsic to the human brain. This lecture is offered on streaming video and MP3 download through FORA.tv.

--> LearnOutLoud.com E-Magazine No. 117 - August 20th, 2009