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This Author: Eugene H. Peterson
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The Bible, Poetry, and Active Imagination by Eugene H. Peterson

The Bible, Poetry, and Active Imagination

by Eugene H. Peterson


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
50 Min.


"Prayers are tools not for doing or getting, but for being and becoming." These are the words of the legendary pastor and writer Eugene Peterson, whose biblical imagination has formed generations of preachers. At the back of the church he led for nearly three decades, you'd be likely to find well-worn copies of books by Wallace Stegner or Denise Levertov. Frustrated with the unimaginative way he found his congregants treating their Bibles, he translated it himself - and that translation has sold millions of copies around the world. Eugene Peterson's down-to-earth faith hinges on a love of metaphor and a commitment to the Bible's poetry as what keeps it alive to the world. (Original Air Date: December 22, 2016)

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