
Bram Stoker Judge's House Short Story


Free Resource (#670) - October 17th, 2008
Today's Free Resource

The Judge's House

Although Bram Stoker wrote many novels, essays and short stories during his life, the Irish writer is inextricably linked with his infamous vampire novel - Dracula. Many of his writings, like this adapted version of The Judge’s House, are eerie accounts between the human world and horrid beings from beyond the grave. This title is available on MP3 download from ThoughtAudio.com.

The Judge's House

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For a century Bram Stoker's Dracula has reigned supreme as the undisputed masterpiece of horror writing. We have all grown up under the shadow of the elegant Count, at once an attractive, brutal, and erotic creature of the night. In 1897 Bram Stoker wrote a story expressing the most persistent nightmare of the human condition. Take this opportunity to dream again...

A skilled and imaginative cast, including Brian Cox as Van Helsing and Heathcote Williams as Dracula, brings this classic horror story to life!

Available on MP3 Download!

Listen to a free sample of: Dracula

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