Free Resource (#734) - January 22nd, 2009 |
Today's Free Resource
Francis Fukuyama: The End Of History Revisited
Fifteen years after the publication of his 1992 book The End of History and the Last Man, author Francis Fukuyama still believes in his thesis that political & economic history is reaching its end in liberal democracy and free market capitalism. In this talk delivered at the Long Now Foundation, Fukuyama defends his argument, pointing out the expansion of science, technology, and free market capitalism and how it has increased the wealth of much of the developing world over the past 15 years, which has in turn led to liberal democracy in many nations. He does point out some of the criticisms of his thesis such as Samuel Huntington's The Clash of Civilizations book, which argues that certain cultures will never conform to Western liberal democracy & free markets. Huntington argues this will lead to an ongoing clash of civilizations.
Fukuyama doesn't believe that his "End of History" thesis is certain, and he still feels there is a lot of work to be done in building institutions in developing states, fighting global warming, organizing global cooperation, and preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction. He fields a number of questions, including one regarding the second half of his thesis which addresses Nietzsche's concept of The Last Man, which he feels is now being catered to under the system of the European Union. It is a fascinating lecture that is available on MP3 download and streaming video through FORA.tv.
Francis Fukuyama: The End Of History Revisited
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Available on MP3 Download.
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EnlightenmentNext (formerly What is Enlightenment?) is a spiritual magazine and online media broadcasting service offering MP3 downloads as well as streaming online audio and video of leading speakers that talk about the evolving world of spirituality, psychology, religion, politics, science, and other topics. WIE’s broadcast directory includes more than 100 downloadable media files searchable by subject, date, or speaker. WIE also produces the "What Is Enlightentment?" magazine which comes out 4 times a year, and they orchestrate a live international speaker’s forum called “Voices from the Edge”, featuring interviews and discussions with a variety of leaders and visionaries.
LearnOutLoud.com is pleased to be offering many of their interviews available for sale for the first time on a la carte as MP3 audio downloads.
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