Free Resource (#999.9) - Feb. 26th, 2010 |
Today's Free Resource
The King James Version Bible
The Bible is the #1 selling book of all time. If you've been wanting to listen to an audio version the good folks at Audio Treasure would like to treat you to a free one. You can listen on their website or download to put on your mp3 player. This version is professionally narrated by Stephen Johnston with background music. Enjoy this free bible on audio.
The King James Version Bible
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ESV Hear the Word Audio Bible
Now the complete ESV Bible comes alive in audio format! The new ESV Hear the Word Audio Bible provides more than 75 hours of Bible reading, conveniently captured in 59 digital files for listening at home, in your car, loading on an MP3 player, or burning to Audio CD. The ESV Hear the Word Audio Bible is ideal for busy commuters, people on the go, and for the visually impairedanyone who prefers to listen to as well as read the Bible.
Available on MP3 Download.
Listen to a free sample of: ESV Hear the Word Audio Bible
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