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Harold Pinter - 2005 Nobel Lecture
The English playwright Harold Pinter passed away a few days ago at the age of 78. Listen to his lecture delivered upon the receipt of the 2005 Nobel Prize for Literature. In this lecture Pinter examines the truths unto which he sought after in his plays and his life as a citizen. After elaborating on his creative process, he explains the difference between art and politics and then examines America's role in global politics since World War II. He briefly covers the past military conflicts in Latin America along with the current war in Iraq. This 45 minute lecture is available on streaming video from NoblePrize.org.
Harold Pinter - 2005 Nobel Lecture
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Guide to English Literature |
Guide to English Literature
English Literature has a rich and vast history. Sitting down to read all the classics of this literary tradition can seem overwhelming, but listening to the classics on audio book can greatly increase the amount of literature you take in and be more enjoyable. Almost all great English literature is available on audio books complete with free audio books, fantastic dramatic renderings of Shakespeare, and histories of English literature to aid you in your listening.
Guide to English Literature
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