
Joel Osteen Sermons Podcasted


Free Resource (#875) - August 12th, 2009
Today's Free Resource

Joel Osteen Audio Podcast

One of the most popular podcasts on our site is Joel Osteen's Audio Podcast. Joel Osteen is the pastor of Lakewood Church, the nation's largest and fastest growing church in the nation. Pastor Osteen is also the author of the bestselling book Your Best Life Now along with numerous other inspirational audio books. Each week on the podcast Pastor Osteen delivers a half-hour sermon and this week's sermon is entitled "Investing in People". Enjoy this podcast from Joel Osteen.

Joel Osteen Audio Podcast

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Become a Better You


Is this as good as it gets? Or can you enjoy more of what life has to offer?

Not only can you live happily every day, bestselling author Joel Osteen suggests you "must" discover the potential within yourself and learn how to use it to live better, and to help others better themselves as well. God didn't create you to be average. You were created to excel You have everything you need to fulfill your God-given destiny, and there is no limit to what you can accomplish if you discover how to be a better you

"Become a Better You" will guide you in the process of uncovering your hidden resources. Addressing such topics as building your confidence, developing better relationships, finding peace within, and staying passionate about life. Joel Osteen will encourage you to reach your unique God-given potential, and will help you to enjoy every day of your life, despite your circumstances. As you incorporate Joel's easy-to-grasp principles into your life, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much more God has in store for you, and how quickly you become a better you

"God is preparing you for greater things. He's going to take you further than you thought possible, so don't be surprised when He asks you to think better of yourself and to act accordingly."


Available on MP3 Download.

Listen to a free sample of: Become a Better You

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