
Peter Gomes Sermon on the Scandalous Gospel of Jesus


Free Resource (#988) - February 4th, 2010
Today's Free Resource

The Scandalous Gospel of Jesus

In this talk Harvard Memorial Church pastor Peter Gomes discusses his book The Scandalous Gospel of Jesus at the Tattered Cover bookstore. He states that the title The Scandalous Gospel of Jesus was actually not his title but rather the title demanded by the publisher Harper to sell more books. The book is actually about Christians getting to the Good News of Jesus and his hopeful message, and beyond the doctrinal and biblical disputes that Pastor Gomes feels are prevalent in Christianity today. He sees that so much of Christianity today is caught up in nostalgia over the past and isn't looking towards the hopeful good news that Christ proclaimed. This talk is available on streaming video from FORA.tv.

The Scandalous Gospel of Jesus

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The Scandalous Gospel of Jesus

New York Times bestselling author and renowned Harvard preacher Peter J. Gomes takes on the hot-button issues in the world today by returning to Jesus's message.

"What did Jesus preach?" asks the esteemed Harvard pastor, who believes that excessive focus on the Bible and doctrines about Jesus have led the Christian church astray. To recover the transformative power of the gospel"the good news"Gomes says we must go beyond the Bible and rediscover how to live out Jesus's original revolutionary message of hope. With eloquence and insight, using examples from ancient times as well as modern pop culture, Gomes shows us why the good news is every bit as relevant today as it was when first preached

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