
Proverbs MP3s


Free Resource (#962) - Dec. 31st, 2009
Today's Free Resource

Proverbs Podcast

For some wisdom to start off the week try our latest podcast called the Proverbs Podcast. It will feature proverbs from various cultures and traditions offering practical wisdom from throughout the world. Currently the podcast features the entire biblical Book of Proverbs. Please subscribe to this podcast through iTunes for more proverbial wisdom offered up by LearnOutLoud.com.

Proverbs Podcast

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Looking for some great holiday gifts? At LearnOutLoud.com we've assembled a list of the 100 best new and most popular audio book releases from 2009. You can check out all of our new releases here:

LearnOutLoud.com Audiobook New Releases

All the audio books on our list are available on Audio CD and are in stock and ready to ship from LearnOutLoud.com. No matter who you're giving gifts to this year, you're sure to find an audio book they'll enjoy and learn from. To make it easy, we've divided this list of 100 new releases into categories:

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100 More Great 2009 New Releases

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