Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume 1
The year 2010 marks the one hundredth anniversary of Twain's death. In celebration of this important milestone, here, finally, is Mark Twain's uncensored autobiography, only now free to be published in its entirety. After dozens of false starts, at last Twain embarked on his final plan for telling the story of his life. His innovative notion -- to "talk only about the thing which interests you for the moment" -- meant his thoughts could range freely. The strict instruction that many of these texts remain unpublished for one hundred years meant that when they came out, he would be "dead, and unaware, and indifferent," and that he was therefore free to speak frankly. This volume presents Mark Twain's authentic and unsuppressed voice, brimming with humor, ideas, and opinions, and speaking clearly from the grave, as he intended.
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You might also want to check out this shorter version published by BBC Audio and available on CD & Audio Download: Chapters from My Autobiography by Mark Twain
And check out over 100 audio books by Mark Twain on our: Mark Twain Author Page