
Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass Poem Read Aloud


Free Resource - March 19th, 2010
Today's Free Resource

Leaves of Grass

Listen to the unabridged final edition of Walt Whitman's seminal work of American poetry Leaves of Grass. First published in 1855, Whitman continued to expand and revise this work from 12 poems to nearly 400 poems in 1891 when he published his "deathbed edition". Inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson's The Poet essay, Whitman answered Emerson's call to create a uniquely American poetry. This 19-hour unabridged edition is read by a collective of volunteer narrators over at LibriVox.org.

Leaves of Grass

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In this course, Walt Whitman and the Birth of Modern American Poetry, we'll explore how Walt Whitman broke with the tyranny of European literary forms to establish a broad, new voice for American poetry. By throwing aside the stolid conventions and clichéd meters of old Europe, Walt Whitman produced a vital, compelling form of verse, one expressive of the nature of his new world and its undiscovered countries, both physical and spiritual, intimate and gloriously public. Passionate democracy is what Whitman called his invention, and like the inventions of Edison, it would transform not only the practices of its field but also the larger dimensions of American life. Whitman named what it was to be American, he catalogued and indexed and sang and scribed it, and his influence on his contemporaries and his descendants transcends the boundaries of poetry and becomes, in many ways, the story of young America.

Available on MP3 Download.

Listen to a free sample lecture from: Walt Whitman and the Birth of Modern American Poetry

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1000 New Free Audio Books from LibriVox

1000 New Free Audio Books from LibriVox

We've recently added 1000 new free audio books from LibriVox. LibriVox is a great site which brings together volunteers to read books in the public domain that they then offer as free audio book downloads on MP3.

The last time we added titles from LibriVox was over two years ago and since then they have grown enormously with over 2500 titles now available. We sifted through all their audio books and picked out the best titles based on literary merit, quality of narration, and how interesting they sounded. The narrators and recording quality have definitely improved and for many of the major classics they have multiple versions now so we've chosen what sounds like the best edition. We've also added the podcast feeds of the all audio books so you can listen to and download them all through our site. To download zips, subscribe through iTunes, get the eBooks, see chapter headings, and more click on the links over to LibriVox.

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1000 New Free Audio Books from LibriVox

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