
Zen Teachings


Free Resource (#372) - August 15th, 2007
Today's Resource of the Day

San Francisco Zen Center Public Lectures Podcast

Listen to dozens public lectures given by teachers at the San Francisco Zen Center. In these lectures of varying length, teachers provide insight into their Zen practice and discuss the many facets of Buddhism. Each lecture features a different teacher and can be listened to apart from the other lectures. Enjoy these podcasts on Zen Buddhism.

San Francisco Zen Center Public Lectures Podcast

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At the heart of all Buddhist wisdom lies one astonishing truth: that a way out of suffering and into a more deeply fulfilling life is not a myth, but a reality available to you the moment you open your eyes through the power of skillful inquiry. For generations, this fact has been proven again and again by those who have learned and tested for themselves what the Buddha taught. Now, with Buddhism for Beginners, celebrated teacher and author Jack Kornfield invites you to experience for yourself the gifts of this vast spiritual tradition.

Created specifically to address the questions and needs of first-time students, this full-length retreat on audio offers an ideal way to learn Buddhism’s essential principles and insights.

Listen to a free sample of: Buddhism for Beginners

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Dan Millman rocks! One of our favorite authors is Dan Millman who wrote Way of the Peaceful Warrior, a new movie from Lions Gate Films starring Nick Nolte. The Way of the Peaceful Warrior movie is now available on DVD..

We're proud to be distributing a number of Dan's audio titles that you can't find anywhere else. Audiobooks such as Energizing the Body and The Twelve Gateways to Freedom are among our best-sellers. We love listening to Dan's material and know that you will too. Here's the link:


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