
George Santayana Audio Books

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by George Santayana
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Before the beginning of World War II, during the time of the Modernist movement in philosophy, George Santayana wrote these five descriptive essays.

by George Santayana
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The Life of Reason, subtitled "the Phases of Human Progress", is a book published in five volumes from 1905 to 1906, by Spanish-born American philosopher George Santayana (1863-1952).

by George Santayana
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Even before the Great War turned the world upside down, Western civilization was being revolutionized at all levels: intellectually, philosophically, artistically.

by George Santayana
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The Life of Reason, subtitled "the Phases of Human Progress", is a book published in five volumes from 1905 to 1906, by Spanish-born American philosopher George Santayana.

by George Santayana
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Santayana explores the social and psychological origins of art. He examines its moral and ideal functions, its lapses into tastelessness, and the distinctive character of music, speech, poetry, and prose.

by George Santayana
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In dozens of books, magazine articles, and essays, George Santayana infused his philosophy with exquisite language, wit, and subtle humor....

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