Life-Changing Audiobooks
Audio That Changes Lives
Since we started LearnOutLoud we've had a core
mission: Do everything we can to promote
life-changing audio. We believe in the power of
audio to improve your life through education and
inspiration. At the very least it can turn a boring
commute into something you actually look forward to.
And at it's best? Simply put, we feel it can
dramatically change the course of your life for the
This week we wanted to spotlight some titles that
we feel have the power to change lives. These might
be titles that you would benefit from or ones that
you might want to recommend to a friend. Either
way, the best part about listening to these titles
is that you don't need to take any extra time out of
your day to do so. Just pop them in when you're in
your car, at the gym or getting stuff done around
the house. You'll be amazed at how much time there
is in the day to learn out loud.
Life-Changing Audio Titles
Fountainhead and Atlas
Shrugged - Ayn Rand's classic novels have been
life-changing for many people. But they aren't the
shortest reads. That's why we love the audio
versions of these. The abridged versions have a
brilliant narrator (Edward Hermann) and there are unabridged
available as well.
Science of Getting Rich - A classic on the
subject of wealth creation. We have two different
versions of this one available on our site, one
which was recorded in our studios by Brian
Johnson and another by Gildan
Media which sells for under $3!
by Dan Millman - Dan's most well-known work Way
of the Peaceful Warrior is actually sub-titled
"A Book That Changes Lives." Indeed, Dan's material
is highly inspirational and very accessible. A
couple of Dan's titles (Energizing
the Body and The
Twelve Gateways to Freedom are among our
Free Audiobooks of the Month - Every month we
put out a free audiobook that we've produced. Our
main criteria for selecting a book? Whether it
will change lives. Our current free audiobook
is Selected
Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Past selections
have included Siddhartha
and the Tao
Te Ching.
This is just a sampling. We've got a whole lot
more life-changing audio on our site. We encourage
you to poke around and see what you can find. And
we'd love to hear from you too about audiobooks or
podcasts that you've listened to that have changed
your life. Send us an e-mail at
and let us know and we'll include some of them in an
upcoming edition of this newsletter.
Paypal and International Payments
We've had a lot of requests to allow payment
with Paypal and also to open up the site for
international orders. We're proud to announce that
we've done both of these things (Note: International
orders can only be downloads for now as we currently
don't ship CDs and cassettes overseas). For more
information about these new options, click
Free Audio for LOL Members
We're passionate about getting you the best
audio content we can find. We also realize that
some of you are on tight budgets and therefore
we've done all we can to list as many free audio
learning resources on our site as possible. Our
Audio and Video Directory has almost 800 titles
now and if you haven't been there in a while you'll
definitely want to check it out. We're also working
with a number of publishers to bring you free audio
titles that aren't readily available elsewhere.
Here are a couple of examples:
Center and the Diamond District - The good folks
over at
Sounds for Sights have made one of their
excellent audio walking tours
available for free on our site. If you live
anywhere near New York City or are planning a trip
there anytime soon you should definitely do this
walking tour.
Practice of the Presence of God - Our friends at
are making this audiobook available free on
LearnOutLoud. In addition to this title you should
definitely check out the two
of theirs that we have listed in our Podcast
If you're interested in more free audio we would
highly recommend subscribing to our Free
Resource of the Day e-mail. Each day during the
week you'll receive an e-mail with links to free
audio resources like the ones above. We hope you
enjoy them!
TeachOutLoud Update
the new service that we announced in our last
newsletter is humming along. We've had over 50
titles uploaded already and yours could be next.
If you have something you would like to teach
the world then TeachOutLoud is the perfect vehicle
through which to do so. You can choose to give
away your knowledge or assign a price to your
products. And even if you don't have something that
you want to share chances are that you know someone
else who does. Feel free to share TeachOutLoud with
them. They'll thank you for it!
here to learn more about TeachOutLoud
Our Best-Selling Science Titles
This week we spotlight our Science
category. Here are our best-selling science titles:
1. A
Short History of Nearly Everything
2. A
Briefer History of Time
3. Animals
in Translation
4. Guns,
Germs, and Steel
5. Mind
Wide Open
If you're interested in finding out the top
selling items in any of our categories you'll find
those listed in our sale
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