Free Resource - July 14th, 2010 |
Today's Free Resource
Catalyst Podcast
The Catalyst Podcast features an impressive collection of 100 podcast interviews with leadership authors and experts in the areas of business and church ministry. It stems from the Catalyst Conference which is a Christian leadership conference that features many of the speakers that are interviewed on the podcast. Interviewees include Seth Godin discussing his latest book Linchpin, Patrick Lencioni discussing his book The Three Signs of a Miserable Job, Guy Kawasaki talking about his book Reality Check, Tim Sanders talking about his book The Likeability Factor, and John C. Maxwell providing his sage leadership advice. The podcast features Christian leaders like Mark Driscoll, Andy Stanley, Rick Warren, Rob Bell, and many others. On the podcast you'll also hear from a diverse range of other leaders in other areas such as Jimmy Wales, Tony Dungy, Malcolm Gladwell, Dave Ramsey, Mike Huckabee, and more. A true gem of a podcast that we just discovered. Become a better leader in every area of your life with the Catalyst Podcast.
Catalyst Podcast
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Made For Success Downloads
Made for Success is committed to helping you turn your potential into performance, succeed in every area of your life, and achieve your dreams. Glean the truths of success that will take your life to the highest level! Here you'll find audio programs by success gurus such as Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Tony Alessandra, John C. Maxwell, Chris Widener, and many other teachers that are dedicated to helping you achieve success in business and in life.
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Gildan Media
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