
His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Compassion


Free Resource - November 9th, 2010
Free Resource of the Day

Centrality of Compassion in Human Life and Society

His Holiness the Dalai Lama recently visited Stanford University and spoke on the centrality of compassion for the future of human society. In this talk he addresses the importance of educating all people about practicing compassion and using the mind to understand the views of others. He talks about his interest in science and how neuroscience is connecting with religion on the importance of mind in relation to holistic health. The Dalai Lama feels that cultivating compassion in the mind should no longer be confined to religion, but needs to be taught in the secular arena and backed up with scientific research. At the end of the talk he answers a number of questions from the audience. This talk is available on streaming video and video download from YouTube.

Centrality of Compassion in Human Life and Society

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First, we learn ways to move beyond our self-defeating tendency to put others into rigid categories. We discover how to create and maintain a positive attitude toward those around us. By reflecting on the kindness that close friends have shown us we learn to reciprocate and help other people achieve their own long-term goals. And in seeking the well-being of others, we foster compassion, the all-encompassing face of love.

In this accessible and insightful audiobook, His Holiness the Dalai Lama helps us to open our hearts and minds to the experience of unlimited love, transforming every relationship in our lives and guiding us ever closer to wisdom and enlightenment.

Available on MP3 Download.

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Audio Books by the Dalai Lama
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Audio Books by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

LearnOutLoud.com is honored to be able to present everything available on audio from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. You may wish to start with "The Art Of Happiness", which mixes Buddhist tradition with common sense to illustrate how one can defeat feelings such as anger, anxiety, depression, and other destructive emotions. We also suggest "How To Practice: The Way To A Meaningful Life ", an accessible reference guide for life's hard decisions. It will teach ways of opening your heart, how to refrain from hurting others, how to retain mental wellness, and more. These teachings are divided into distinct steps and are designed for people of all faiths to learn from.

Finally there's "Advice On Dying", in which the stages of death are described so beautifully that we come to see death as the ultimate journey into transformation rather than an end. In this way the Dalai Lama shows us how to prepare for that time and, in doing so, how to enrich our time on earth, die without fear, and influence the stage between this life and the next so that we may gain the best possible incarnation. All of the books listed below share the common thread of His Holiness' excited spirit and sense of playful calm. LearnOutLoud.com's list of audio books by the Dalai Lama offer a new world of spiritual and mental awareness that will center your heart and prepare you not only for the day to day grind of the world, but also help you live a fuller, happier life.

Over a dozen titles on MP3 download.

Audio Books by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Downloads by Eknath Easwaran & Nilgiri Press

LearnOutLoud.com is now featuring new audio downloads by spiritual teacher & author Eknath Easwaran. You may recognize Easwaran from his popular and critically acclaimed translations of the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, and the Dhammapada. You can read about Easwaran and browse the audio downloads that we currently feature by him here:

Eknath Easwaran Author Page

We are currently offering 6 audio books on audio download by Eknath Easwaran. Here they are with some brief descriptions:

Climbing the Blue Mountain: A Guide for the Spiritual Journey - Four Essays by Eknath Easwaran filled with inspiring stories and spiritual teachings excerpted from his book Climbing the Blue Mountain.

Gandhi the Man: The Story of His Transformation - Easwaran's biography of Gandhi's life and spiritual path which focuses on the way Gandhi lived so that we can make it applicable to our own lives.

Mahatma Gandhi: His Search for Truth - An essay featuring Easwaran's personal recollections of Gandhi's impact on India along with the story of Easwaran meeting Gandhi.

The Monkey & the Mango: Stories of My Granny - Short stories based on Easwaran's childhood memories of his Granny and her wise teachings drawn from everyday life.

Renewal: A Little Book of Courage & Hope - Short readings of spiritual insight to inspire courage, hope, and peace in your heart.

Strength in the Storm - Easwaran's teachings on the practice of calming the mind through life's challenges and the stress & anxiety that come with these challenges.

We hope you enjoy these outstanding new spiritual teachings by Eknath Easwaran and we hope to add more in the future.

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