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by Neil Bhatt

Gita for Daily Living is a weekly podcast that distils the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita and presents it in a way that is action-able and relevant to daily life.

by Nikhilananda

The Bhagavad Gita, is a manual of living that provides guidelines for attaining the heights of human excellence.


Get the essentials of the sanatana dharma, simply and concisely in a non-sectarian way. Learn about yoga philosophy, yogic science, divine love, self-actualization, and spiritual liberation.

by Jim Bronson

From the Insight Meditation Center comes this podcast of literally hundreds of Dharma talks given at the Center since the year 2000.

by Marshall Poe

Interviews with Scholars of Hinduism with their New Books.

by B.V. Tripurari

It is difficult to find someone from the West that both understands and can elegantly express the theory behind an Eastern mystical tradition.

by Caru Das

The Sunday Talks given by Temple President Caru Das at the Krishna Temples in Salt Lake City and Spanish Fork, UT, Based on the teachings of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad, founder of ISKCON.

by Vanamali Mataji

This is the story of the Lord’s descent on earth as Rama, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu, scion of the race of Raghu, pinnacle of human perfection.

by Jyotirmayananda

In our day, Swami Jyotirmayananda stands as one of the most important personalities in expanding the consciousness and elevating the lives of thousands throughout the world.

by Kali Mandir

Spiritual Discourses given at Kali Mandir, a traditional Hindu temple located in Laguna Beach, California dedicated to the worship of Divine Mother Kali in the tradition of Sri Ramakrishna.

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