
Environment Podcasts

Featured Environment Podcasts

LearnOutLoud Podcasts

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by Nature Research

The British weekly scientific journal Nature has been putting out magazines since 1869, and releasing weekly podcasts featuring discussions of highlights from their latest issue since 2005!

by Bob McDonald

One of the best science podcasts available is Quirks and Quarks from CBC Radio. Host Bob McDonald speaks with scientists around the globe about the latest in science, technology, medicine and the environment.

by Drew Rae

Engineers make the news by designing cool things, building great things, or causing spectacular disasters.


Stories from NASA about current research, things to see in the sky, and other science topics.

by Jennifer Stock

Ocean Currents is hosted by Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary on KWMR, community radio for West Marin in Northern California.


Come dive into one of the curiously delightful conversations overheard at National Geographic's headquarters, as we follow explorers, photographers, and scientists to the edges of our big, weird, beautiful world.

by Jill Buck

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the world population is expanding at a mind-boggling rate. The world reached 1 billion people in 1800; 2 billion by 1922; and over 6 billion by 2000.

by Diego Footer

A podcast for people looking to blend the permaculture design process and techniques of permaculture with business.

by American Society for Microbiology

A video podcast documentary by the American Society for Microbiology explores the microbial world and how life has evolved...

by Meredith Medland

In this podcast brought to you by Personal Life Media, host Meredith Medland interviews guests who are practicing and preaching eco-friendly ways of living.

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