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All In The Mind is Radio National's weekly foray into the mental universe, the mind, brain and behaviour - everything from addiction to artificial intelligence.

by Ira Flatow

A weekly staple on many NPR stations across the United States, Science Friday is a great way to keep up to date on the latest trends and issues that surround the scientific community.

by Gerald Cizadlo

This is the a year-long course in Anatomy and Physiology. Lectures are presented to you by Dr. Gerald Cizadlo of the College of St. Scholastica.

by Nature Research

The British weekly scientific journal Nature has been putting out magazines since 1869, and releasing weekly podcasts featuring discussions of highlights from their latest issue since 2005!

by Richard Pogge

Audio recordings of the lectures for Prof. Richard Pogge's Winter Quarter 2006 Astronomy 162 class at the Ohio State University.

by ABC Radio National

The Health Report appeals to both specialist and mainstream audiences by applying a broad definition of health, and seeing health and medicine within social, scientific and political contexts.

by Chris Smith

Working out of Cambridge University in England, Dr. Chris Smith has been podcasting his one hour weekly radio show basically since podcasting started and he offers hundreds of podcasts on his feed and his website (TheNakedScientists.com) dating back to 2005.

by Shannon LeGro

Into the Fray features top-rated investigators, authors and experiencers from various fields including UFOlogy, Cryptozoology, Paranormal, True Crime and all other manners of the unexplained.

by Indre Viskontas

Listen to the Inquiring Minds Podcast featuring thought leaders on a wide variety of topics. Indre Viskontas & Kishore Hari make great hosts as they start off the podcast discussing some recent news or studies they found fascinating.

by Gerald Cizadlo

This is a one-semester course in Embryology. Lectures are presented to you by Dr. Gerald Cizadlo of the College of St. Scholastica.

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