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Download Books on Audio

Downloads!: New Titles for Download
Siddhartha and The Tao for Free + Plato Out Loud

New Titles for Download

The download revolution is well under way. Apple has now sold more than 40 million iPods and it seems that you can't look anywhere these days without spotting a pair of those ubiquitous white headphones. One of the common questions that we get here at LearnOutLoud is when we will start selling audio downloads. Our answer? Now.

Next month we'll be launching our new downloads section but in the meantime I wanted to call your attention to a number of titles that are available on our site for download. This is a sampling of the content that we'll be featuring in our dowloads section and making available for immediate download to your MP3 player. We think you'll love listening to these titles, many of which you won't be able to find anywhere else.

Dan Millman - Dan is a world-famous author whose title Way of the Peaceful Warrior has sold millions of titles and been translated into dozens of languages. We're proud to have a number of Dan's titles available for download including The Twelve Gateways to Freedom and The Laws of Spirit.

Sounds for Sights - Live in New York or planning a trip to the Big Apple anytime soon? You'll really enjoy these audio walking tours. Check out titles such as Rockefeller Center and the Diamond District and South Street Seapot. More of these are on the way.

Infinite Possibilities - Mike Dooley's course has inspired thousands and we have it available for the first time as a download. If you're looking to live the life of your dreams and reach your highest potential you'll definitely want to give this one a listen.

Agora Publications - We're proud to welcome Agora Publications to LearnOutLoud.com. Their titles bring ancient texts such as Plato's Republic to life with full cast presentations.

We'll be adding many more titles to the mix soon so stay tuned for the launch of our new downloads section. If there are any titles you'd love to see us add, just send an e-mail to suggestions@learnoutloud.com and we'll do our best to include them.

Siddhartha and the Tao Te Ching

As many of you already know Siddharta is our Free Audiobook of the Month for February which means that if you haven't downloaded it yet you only have two more weeks to do so. What's new is that we're happy to announce that we just posted March's Free Audiobook of the Month to the site (a bit early!). The Free Audiobook of the Month for March is the Tao Te Ching. "The Tao" as it is commonly referred to is an ancient Chinese scripture which was written around 600 B.C. by Lao Tzu. Tzu expresses the main tenants of what would later be formalized in Taoism and Chinese Buddhism and touches on human interaction and man's relation to the divine. Second only to the Bible in terms of number of translations, the Tao is the most adapted text in the Chinese Language.

Our free, professionaly narrated (nice work Phil!) version of the Tao is now available for download at the following URL:


And please feel free to pass this newsletter along to anyone else you think might be interested.

And while we're on the subject of free audiobooks we better mention that we came across another site (ChristianAudio.com) offering a free monthly audiobook download. Check out this blog post for more info!

Plato Out Loud

You've all heard of Plato but have you ever heard Plato? David has assembled a comprehensive list of all of the titles on our site written by Plato or related to his life. A sampling of these titles includes the following:

Apology - A free version of The Apology offered by Voices in the Dark.

The Birth of Western Philosophy - A Barnes & Noble Portable Professor course on the philosophy of Plato and Socrates.

Plato, Socrates and the Dialogues - An excellent Teaching Company course focusing on Socrates' 35 dialogues.

For more on Plato, check out our complete Plato Out Loud page.

Be our Forum MVP. Win a $50 Gift Certificate to LearnOutLoud!

We "re-modeled" our forums last week and we'd like to invite you to check them out. To kick off the party right we're going to be giving away a $50 LearnOutLoud.com gift certificate this month to the person we select as our "Forum MVP." This is the person that we've felt has contributed the most to the forums through posting, inviting others to join, etc. For more details on how you can be this month's Forum MVP click here. Show us your best stuff!

Titles Under $10

A few titles under $10 from our Sale Section:

Secrets for Making a New Start in Life (Audio CD and Digital Download for $5.99)
The Greatest Thing in the World (Digital Download for $2.98)
Brokeback Mountain (Audio CD for $6.97)
In-Flight Spanish (Audio CD for $9.77)

Latest Resources, Blog Posts and Forum Posts



Forum Posts:

Visit our blog at: www.BlogOutLoud.com.

Register and participate in the LearnOutLoud.com Forums.

Coming Soon!

TeachOutLoud going public, a new downloads section coming soon and a recommendations engine about to launch. We're busy. :)

Best wishes,

The LearnOutLoud.com Staff

Authors on this Topic

Dan Millman
Dan Millman

Dan Millman has been a world champion athlete, a coach, a martial arts instructor, and even a college professor. His books, including "The Journeys of Socrates", "Way of the Peaceful Warrior", and "The Life You Were Born to Live", have inspired millions. Millman's work is well represented here on audio.

Publishers on this Topic

Agora Publications, Inc.

The historical Socrates sought to bring philosophy down from the heavens to thrive in the streets of the agora — the market-place.
Sounds for Sights

Sounds for Sights is a leading provider of downloadable audio tours for New York City. If you're looking for a better way to explore your world without the inconvenience of scheduling group or bus tours, check out their selection of self paced walking tours.

Speechworks is a publisher and retailer specializing in famous speeches, biographies and events available on audio.

Titles on this Topic

Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
by Annie Proulx

Ennis del Mar and Jack Twist, two ranch hands, come together when they're working as sheepherder and camp tender one summer on a range above the tree line. At first, sharing an isolated tent, the attraction is casual, inevitable, but something deeper catches them that summer.
The Greatest Thing in the World
The Greatest Thing in the World
by Henry Drummond

A Scottish evangelist in the late 19th century, Drummond is best remembered for this 1880 meditation on the empowering message of Corinthians, as timeless as it is life-affirming.
Infinite Possibilities
Infinite Possibilities
by Mike Dooley

You are the artist who never sleeps, continually yet unconsciously rearranging the images on your life's canvas with brushstrokes of thought.
The Laws of Spirit
The Laws of Spirit
by Dan Millman

While hiking in the mountains, Dan Millman encounters a mysterious woman sage who invites him on "a mission of great importance" -- a timeless journey through the natural world to convey eternal principles that form the bedrock of our lives -- laws that form a blueprint of our human evolution.
Plato and Aristotle
Plato and Aristotle
by Aryeh Kosman

This course is an introduction to the philosophical thought of the two most important philosophical figures of ancient Greece. By working through parts of their central texts and thoughts, we will gain an understanding of Plato and Aristotle's relevance in the past and today as well.
Plato's Republic
Plato's Republic
by David Roochnick

Plato's Republic, more than 2,000 years after its appearance, and in spite of the many provocative directions those “footnotes” have taken, still remains astonishingly relevant in its own right.
Plato, Socrates, and the Dialogues
Plato, Socrates, and the Dialogues
by Michael Sugrue

This course explores the meaning and importance of Plato’s towering achievement in immortalizing the thoughts of Socrates in 35 dialogues, which laid the philosophical basis for Western civilization.
by Hermann Hesse

This compelling spiritual quest by Hermann Hesse, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946...
Tao Te Ching
Tao Te Ching
by Lao Tzu

The Tao Te Ching or "The Way and its Characteristics" is a primary text in Chinese religious history. Written by Lao Tzu roughly 600 years before the birth of Christ, the Tao endevours to articulate the core beliefs that underpin both Taoism and Chinese Buddhism.
The Twelve Gateways to Freedom
The Twelve Gateways to Freedom
by Dan Millman

The program prepares you for, and culminates with, a Master Practice you can apply in any moment to enrich the quality of your life.
Way of the Peaceful Warrior
Way of the Peaceful Warrior
by Dan Millman

This audio edition of the international best seller Way of the Peaceful Warrior is based on the story of Dan Millman, a world-class gymnast who has it all, but is troubled by a vague sense of dissatisfaction with his everyday life...

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