
LearnOutLoud.com Podcast Directory

The LearnOutLoud.com Podcast Directory offers over 5,000 audio & video podcasts you can learn from. We've screened thousands of podcasts to find the ones of the highest quality that you will instruct, entertain, and inspire you.

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by Ralph Waldo Emerson

LearnOutLoud.com presents the Selected Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson Podcast. Born in 1803, Emerson was renowned during the mid 19th century as a philosopher, writer, public orator, naturalist, and spiritual trailblazer.

by Sam Harris

With this podcast, Harris hosts discussions with a range of experts in fields that reflect his varied interests, including the current conflict with ISIS, the shifting American religious landscape, ethical philosophy in the wake of globalization, scientific progress and his lifelong interest in mindfulness meditation.


Great Speeches in History is a podcast devoted to the great thinkers, statesman and other public orators that have graced us throughout history with their words.

by Plato

With The Philosophy Podcast, LearnOutLoud.com will showcase audio renditions of classic philosophy from such greats as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Nietzsche and much more. For more audio and video material tailored to the lifelong learner, please feel free to visit www.learnoutloud.com

by Center for Educational Development

English as a Second Language Podcast is for anyone who wants to learn or improve their English listening and speaking.

by Angela Robinson

Join Angela Robinson of Kennedy Financial Services for Life Planning 101. Sharing over 40 years of experience to help you live LIFE on purpose!

by Plato

The Republic by Plato is one of the most influential works of philosophy in history. In the form of Socratic dialogue, Plato's teacher and protagonist Socrates sets out to find an answer to the question: "What is justice?".

by David D. Burns

The Feeling Good Podcast is a new podcast from Dr. David D. Burns, author of the bestselling book Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy which has sold over 5 million copies in the U.S. since it was published in 1980.

by Mike Duncan

After five years of podcasting The History of Rome Podcast, host Mike Duncan has completed the entire history of the rise and fall of the Rome.

by Nick Nordstrom

Host Nick Nordstrom has been introducing listeners to new vocabulary for many years now. Tackling three to four words in each 15-20 minute episode, he uses numerous methods to drill their definitions into your brain.

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