



March 10, 2006

The Greatest Speeches of All Time


There’s something mighty powerful about listening to historic speeches. Whether you’re listening to FDR, JFK or MLK (or even someone whose name isn’t an acronym!), there’s a feeling of energy and perspective that simply can’t be duplicated. It’s one thing to read Winston Churchill or read about him. It’s another thing entirely to listen to him.

And there are many other benefits of listening to this type of stuff. You gain a better understanding of rhetoric. It’s a great way to brush up on our English if English is not your native lanugage. And it’s an incredible way to both be inspired and learn more about American and world history.

And you can do it all in your car on the way to work. 🙂

We’re proud to feature titles by companies such as Speechworks on LearnOutLoud and look forward to bringing more and more of this type of content in the future. A personal dream of mine is a service like Real Rhapsody or Yahoo! Music but for speeches like this where you could call up your favorite historical figure or inspirational leader and within seconds be listening to any of the speeches they’ve given. How cool would that be? Maybe we’ll just have to build that…